40 boxes instant oatmeal
22 boxes granola bars
7 boxes cereal
3 tubs of oats
2 jars of syrup
4 jars of mayo
2 jars of Ragu
2 containers of Breyers Ice Cream (not pictured)
Total: $30

Thank you Jesus!!!
Today Ivy, Ben and I stayed home and had our friends Christina (Aurrora) and her daughter Katy over for a playdate. It was awesome. Ivy and Katy play very well even though they are about 18 months apart (Katy is 5). Ben took 2 great naps and Christina and I chatted all day. It was such a great time. After they left and Ben was up from his nap and fed, we headed out to the Apple store AGAIN (trip 5 in 2 weeks) and picked up my fixed computer. :)
After we returned home and while Ivy was still finishing dinner Ben was happy to be in his high chair learning how to pick up and put puffies to his mouth. :) They are both such wonderful children. Thank you Jesus for blessing our family with Ivy and Ben.

Now I have tons of computer stuff to catch up on. Have a great night everyone.
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