Sunday, December 21, 2008

Oh my goodness will it ever stop snowing?

Last night it snowed again and we got another 5-6 inches probably. We still had snow from the last storm too...and it is snowing again now. :) Here are some pictures I took today.

As you can see our old snowman was we made a new one.

Ivy LOVES to eat snow. It's pretty much all she wants to do.

We borrowed a little sled from our neighbor...she didn't like it. I guess we try again next year. :)

Here she is cuddling with daddy on the couch. She was giving "nose kissies" in the one where they are facing each other. The one with her eyes all squinty...Greg said "close your eyes Ivy".

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Out in the snow

Today we went out and played in the snow for about 30 minutes. The snow was very powdery so we couldn't really make a snowman...but we made a very little one. He is about 12 inches tall :)

Enjoy the pictures!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


We will go outside tomorrow and play in the snow some more...but tonight while Greg was taking out the garbage, Ivy went to play for just a few minutes. Here are 2 pictures of that. I will post more from tomorrow too. :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Microsoft Holiday Bash 2008

Last night Greg and I went to the Microsoft Holiday Bash. We both had a very good time. There were 2 different buildings with lots of different rooms and the buildings were connected by a covered walkway.

At one point I mentioned to Greg that dill pickles sounded good. He went at talked to a server to talked to the manager. He explained to the manager he had a pregnant wife who was looking for pickles. They didn't have any but the manager was so sweet and actually went to the store and got some. They were perfect.

All around the place there were these glowing balls that change colors. Greg decided to dance with them to the music. This is what it looked like. One picture is with flash and the other is what it really looked like in the dark.

Oops forgot Halloween

I just realized when I sync'd my camera that I forgot to post the halloween pics of Ivy. We went trick or treating at Microsoft. This entailed walking from office to office getting candy from bowls that people had put out for the kids. It didn't take Ivy long to get the hang of things. Soon she was bounding down the halls, going from chair to chair like a ping pong ball. Sometimes the employees were in their office working and we had to stop and remind her to say trick or treat. :)

We also have some picture of her "cooking" with my apron on and learning to lick the inside of an oreo cookie.


Saturday, December 6, 2008


I am now 15 weeks pregnant and things seem to be getting better. I have more good days then bad and am not taking sleeping aids or nauseous meds anymore. I am hoping for some of the more annoying first trimester traits to go away soon. :)

This last week we put up our very first family Christmas tree. It was fun. We drank hot chocolate or coffee, ate cinnamon pull-aparts and listened to Bing Crosby's Christmas cd all morning. Here are some pictures of the day.

They were tired after it was all done.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

12 Weeks

Earlier this week Greg and I got to hear the heartbeat of the baby. Things sound good so far, loud and strong. :) Thank you all for your continued prayers. Now it's 2 more months and then we can find out what the sex of the baby is.

Take care,

Thursday, October 30, 2008

10 weeks

Today I am 10 weeks. Things are doing ok. I am sick with this child like I was with Ivy, but I guess that is good news. Just a quick update to let you know what's going on.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Great News

As many of you know we lost a child to miscarriage a few months ago. It is still sad but we just have to remember that this world is God's. He is the creator of all and we need to trust that He has a plan for everything and knows best.

The great news is the I am 7 weeks pregnant with a new child and things look to be doing well. We had an early ultrasound yesterday and we saw that the heart was beating well. 120 beats per second.

Thank you all for your prayers and we ask that you continue to pray for this child. As well as against the enemy who would like to attack us with fears of death.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ivy's Wish List

Just wanted to give you guys a heads up...I put a link on the right side of the screen under "Websites" that is Ivy's Amazon Wish List. We are coming into the holiday season and people always ask me what she wants. Of course she can always use, clothes, tights and socks but those are not on it. :)

Take care

Friday, September 12, 2008


Ivy and I ran some errands today and she "HAD" to wear her rain she did. The dressing herself phase has begun I think. :)

Later we washed the car and Ivy was such a good helper. She did however get quite wet and covered in bubbles. And of course had to play with the bubbles and water on the ground too. I did however have to explain you don't get to clean the concrete and then the car. :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fun Outings

A couple weeks ago or so Ivy and had have had lots of fun with family. We went to the Seattle Children's Museum with Grandma Dorothy, Kya, Aliyah, Jessica, PJ Nancy(Dorothy's friend) and Sammy her grandson.

We also went to the fair with some friends.

Ivy eating with a big fork at the restaurant for dinner. She was so proud of herself.