Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Holding her first baby

Ameris Rayne Rood was born on May 13th. This is the fourth child of our friend's the Rood's. We went to visit them on the 15th to bring cookies and Ivy got to play with her friend Alexandra who is 2 months younger and hold Ameris who was 2 days old at the time. It was very sweet. :)

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Zoo

Ivy, PJ, Jess and I went to the zoo this morning. We had a great time with the kids. PJ was asleep in the car on the way home...and Ivy was asleep within minutes of laying in her crib. It was about 80 degrees and we left at about 1pm. Which is probably good cause around 2-3 is when it gets it's hottest here.

The last thing we saw was a free roaming Peacock. We parked the strollers about 3 feet away and watched the kids with faces of awe. Mouths open even :) Then the peacock charged towards us and the kids...I really shouldn't put the brakes on the stroller. (All is good he didn't charge far it just scared me) :)

Thought you might enjoy some pictures...

P.S. Aren't you excited I am blogging again? Our new camera is awesome so look forward to seeing more blogs from me often. :)

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Ivy has started pretending this month. She gets a towel and wipes her bears nose or she hugs and kisses us, grabs her purse and phone and tell us she is going to work. :)

I took a picture of her yesterday and it looks like her hair is finally getting some curl in it. When I put it up in pigtails it doesn't just stick straight out.

(The sad thing of this picture is that her favorite movie "Cinderella" is broken. Can't figure out why it won't play. We have been trying to distract her with Ice Age 2 for now.)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Wow it's been a long time

I am so sorry to everyone that I haven't blogged about Ivy and our family. I have quite a few excuses but I won't bore you with them. :)

Ok.....let's see....what have we done in the last few months?

Life was pretty crazy since November cause Ivy kept getting sick. We are all well now so spring is looking good. Ivy, PJ, Jessica and I went to the zoo. It was great fun. Sam and Dorothy Mulkey gave us a zoo membership, we look forward to using it all year. :)

Easter was fun. We have all the cousins together at Sam and Dorothy's house. The egg hunting didn't go over well but I still think it was fun. Here are some pictures of the day.

Greg went to China for a week for work (he will be going again probably in June). Here are some pictures of that trip. He went to a Panda reserve which are the cutest pictures I have ever seen. He brought Ivy back a stuffed Panda and we a hand painted scroll with two pandas on it.

A few weeks ago we went garage sale-ing and found Ivy her first rocking horse. It is very cute. She did have her first bandaid needing accident while we were out though. We took a picture to capture the occasion :)

I hope that you all are doing well. Please feel free to comment as I enjoy reading about what is going on with your life too.